
Laryssa Machado
1 - The Brazilians have no regard to people outside of their circle of friends and often are simply rude. For example, a neighbor who plays loud music all night ... And even if you go ask him politely to turn down the volume, he tells it to you "go if fud **". And basic education? A simple "excuse me" when someone bumps into you on the street at all simply does not exist.
2 - Brazilians are aggressive and opportunistic, and usually at the expense of others. It's like a "survival instinct" at high speed all the time. The best example is the public transportation. If they see a way to get past you and jump the queue, they will, even if it means almost kill him, and even if they are not in a hurry. So why do they do it? Just because they can, because they see the opportunity, why they want to gain an advantage at all. They feel they always need to take whatever they can, whenever possible, regardless of who is harmed as a result.
3 - The Brazilians have no respect for their environment. They dump large loads of garbage anywhere and everywhere, and the trash is unbelievable. The streets are very dirty. The abundant natural resources, as they are, are being wasted at an amazing rate, with little or no recourse.
4 - Brazilian tolerate an incredible amount of corruption in business and government. While all governments are corrupt officials, is more common and rampant in Brazil than in most other countries, and yet the population continues to reelect the same people.
5 - The Brazilian women are overly obsessed with their bodies and are very critical (and competing with) other.
6 - Brazilians, especially men, are highly prone to extramarital affairs. Unless that man never leave home, the chances that he has a mistress are huge.
7 - Brazilians are very expressive of their negative opinions about other people, with total disregard of the possibility of hurting someone's feelings.
8 - Brazilians, especially the people who perform services are usually sly, lazy and almost always delayed.
9 - The Brazilians have a system very prominent classes. The rich have a sense of entitlement that is beyond belief. They think the rules do not apply to them, they are above the system, and are too arrogant and insensitive, especially with the next.
10 - Brazilians constantly interrupt each other to speak. Trying to have a conversation is like a competition to be heard, a shouting match.
11 - Brazilian police are essentially non-existent when it comes to enforcing laws to protect the population as enforcing traffic laws, find and arrest the thieves, etc.. Laws exist, but no one applies, the court system is a joke and there is usually no recourse for the citizen who is robbed, cheated or harmed. People live in fear and build walls around their homes or pay high rates to live in closed communities.
12 - Brazilians make it inconvenient and difficult. Nothing is simplified or designed with customer convenience in mind, and Brazilians have a high tolerance for amazing levels of unnecessary and redundant bureaucracy. Brazilians pay high taxes and import duties that make everything, especially household products, electronics and cars, incredibly expensive. And for entrepreneurs, following the rules and paying all their taxes makes it almost impossible to be profitable. As a result, corruption and bribery in business and government are common.
14 - It's hot as hell for nine months of the year, and air conditioning in homes does not exist here because the houses are not built to be hermetically isolated or include air ducts.
15 - The food can be fresher, less processed, and generally healthier than American or European food, but it is bland, repetitive and very inconvenient. Processed, frozen or prepared foods in the supermarket are few, expensive and generally terrible.
16 - Brazilians are super social and rarely spend time alone, especially at meals and weekends. This is not necessarily a bad quality, but personally, I hate it because I like my space and privacy, but the cultural expectation is that you will attend (or worse, invite friends and family) for each meal and you are criticized for not behave "normally" if you choose to be alone.
17 - Brazilians are very close, geographically and emotionally, their families of origin throughout life. As in # 16, this is not necessarily a bad quality, but personally I hate because it makes me uncomfortable and it affects my marriage. Brazilian adults never "cut the cord" emotional and your family of origin (especially mothers) are still engaged in their daily lives, problems, decisions, activities, etc.. As you can imagine, this is a difficult time for the spouse of another culture which generally live in nuclear families and have a different to our families of origin dynamic item.
18 - Electricity and internet services are absurdly expensive and bad.
19 - The quality of water is questionable. Brazilians drink, but do not die, for sure, but based on the total lack of enforcement of laws and abundance of corruption, I do not trust the government that says it is totally safe and will not harm you in the long term.
20 - And finally, the Brazilian has only one type of beer (watery) and it really sucks, and of course, imported beers are extremely expensive.
21 - Most bus drivers drive like they're trying to break the bus and all within it.
22 - sidewalks in my neighborhood are covered with piss and coconut dogs that bark day and night.
23 - Gridlock Three and a half hours every time it rains.
24 - Rarely things are done correctly the first time. You have to go back to the bank, consulate office, send e-mail or call 2-10 times for people to do their work.
25 - Quality very bad air. The air often smells like burning plastic.
26 - Skip the malls and restaurants are the main activities. There's nothing to do if you do not spend. There is one main park and is horribly crowded.
27 - The finish of the houses is bad. Windows, doors, hinges, tubes, electricity, sidewalks, are all built with the least possible effort.
28 - Trees, poles, telephones, plants and garbage bins are placed in the center of the sidewalks, making them impassable.
29 - You pay triple for products that will break within 1-2 years, perhaps s.
30 - Brazilians love to be well on your way. They do not give you room to move.
31 - The best way to inspire hatred in Brazil? Politely refuse to eat food offered to you. No matter how valid is your reason, this is considered an unforgivable sin in the eyes of the Brazilians and they will continue aggressively pestering you to eat it.
32 - People will push and shove unapologetically you. On public transport you will so tight that you are unable to move anything but his head.
33 - Brazil is a 3rd world country with ridiculously inflated prices for quality items. To get an idea, São Paulo is ranked the 10th most expensive city in the world. (New York is the 32nd).
34 - The rampant infidelity. This is not just a stereotype as much as I would like. Men in Brazilian society are conditioned to believe that they are more "manly" for come out with several women.
35 - Zero respect for pedestrians. Yes, they do not stop for you to pass. At best, they will honk.
36 - When sidewalks are under construction it is expected that you walk in the street. Some drivers refuse to make the slightest deviation from their presence, accelerating within inches of you, even when the next lane is free.
37 - Do not even think about telling someone when you are traveling to the USA. Everyone will ask you to bring iPods, X-Box, laptops, clothes, grocery items, etc.. in your bag, because they are too expensive or not available in Brazil.
38 - Unless you really like football or reality shows (ie Big Brother), there is nothing much to talk with the Brazilians in general. You can learn fluent Portuguese, but in the end, the conversation is very limited, very quickly.
39 - Everything is built for cars and drivers, even the cars are 3x the price of any other country. Intercity luxury buses are efficient, but public transportation is inconvenient, expensive and uncomfortable to walk. Consequently, the traffic in São Paulo and Rio is now considered one of the worst of the Earth (SP possibly the worst). Even at noon can have huge traffic jams that makes you impossible to walk even a short distance limited unless you have a motorcycle.
40 - All Brazilian cities (with the exception perhaps of the river and the old district of Pelourinho in Salvador), are ugly, filled with concrete, hyper-modern architecture and devoid of trees or charm. Most are dull and completely identical in appearance. Any colonial history and beautiful old mansion is quickly demolished to make way for a parking lot or a shopping mall.
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41 - Brasileiro tomem góstia de "speaking ingreis" in carqué indilma.
Foi passado para o inglês "a la Joel Santana" mas voce pode ler em bom portugues clicando :
O pior disso tudo, é que o gringo esta´cheio de razão.
He did not tell no lie
ResponderExcluir"Filled with piss and coconut dogs" entrega que isto foi traduzido do português pro inglês através de um tradutor online. What the fuck?! Não deveria ser traduzido "the other way around"?
ResponderExcluirUsually american are arrogant.
ResponderExcluirThey think that are better for the world.
The original list has only 20 reasons. The other ones were added by forum members - specially Brazilians, and I´m not considering them because some of those points are based on xenophobic and regional rivalries........ There are a few things to be considered here. I´m Brazilian and while I agree with 80 % of the original list, there are a few points where it´s clear that the author was not able to deal with the cultural shock, like points n. 10, 16 and 17. Other topics seems too generalized, like 5, and depends of the social circle the author had lived - if he actually took the challenge to look for a social circle, what doesn´t seem so. Number 7 is not exclusive of brazilians, actually we feel that way towards Americans and some Europeans (the topic itself works as an example of that). Number 15 and 20 are just about personal tastes and while brazilian food and beer may not be the type that the author like, saying that "the food is repetitive and inconvenient" makes it feel that the author simply was lazy to buy and find food, which in Brazil is very rich in variety. As for the beer, that´s how Brazilians like it.
ResponderExcluirAmericano viado.
ResponderExcluirSeu país de merda pensa que pode passar por cima de tudo e todos.
a culpa do brasil ser assim é dos governantes de merda que deviam ir para o inferno
americanos sim são arrogantes e pensam que são os melhores. ele ta falando de um lugar que ele conheceu São paulo só essa cidade ele morou e esta falando merda. Venha Pra Curitiba ver se é igual a são paulo o idiota. São paulo e rio são mesmo as piores cidades pra se morar no brasil. fato que iria ficar indignado. oque falta aqui é governo de qualidade. se tivesse ia deitar em qualquer país
Ora aqui está mais uma boa razão que o cara podia acrescentar na lista. Brasileiro não aceita a opinião dos outros e saí logo na ofensa. O cara tem direito a opinião pessoal. Foi o ponto de vista dele, quer a gente concorde ou não. É generalizada? É. Da mesma forma que a gente acha que os americanos são todos arrogantes.
ExcluirA culpa do Brasil não são dos políticos, São das pessoas. Os políticos são o reflexo das pessoas porque se você for para o governo vai fazer exactamente igual. Se puder tirar proveito, tira.
American fagot.
ResponderExcluirYour country of shit thinks he can go over everything and everyone.
Brazil is the fault of the rulers is so shitty that they should go to hell
Americans are so arrogant and think they are the best. he ta talking about a place he knew only that St. Paul lived and the city he's talking shit. Come To Curitiba see if it is equal to sao paulo idiot. Sao paulo and rio are even worst cities to live in if Brazil. fact that would become indignant. WHAT missing here is government quality. if he were about to throw in any country
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
ResponderExcluirThank you.
ExcluirEle está certíssimo! Infelizmente é isso e muito mais. O povo não tem o mínimo de cultura e educação. E a quantidade de pessoas do mal é muito grande. E não tem perspectivas de melhora, vai piorar. aconselho nem voltar la, podia ter perdido a vida em um tiroteio com balas perdidas.